The Secret to "Easy Yes" Client Enrolments | by Cindy Schulson

Client's Hand Saying Yes with Wooden Cubes

Do you ever get uncomfortable when making your offer in a strategy session?

You feel really good during the discovery process. You're building rapport, listening deeply and adding value. Then when it comes time to outline your offering, you freeze.

It's totally understandable. Because the reality is, coaching is so intangible.

The trouble with the usual solutions

Most coaches try to make their offer more tangible by selling a coaching package: 3 months, 6 sessions, 12 sessions etc.

But when we sell bundles of time, we typically end up undercharging.

You've probably heard that to get around this problem, you should sell the result instead of your time. And that's very true.

But here's the thing: it's one thing to say, "This is the result I'm going to help you get," and it's another for people to believe it. So you need to build your potential clients' trust and confidence that you can actually help them achieve the results they want.

Defining value with the Client Journey

So how do you sell something intangible? How do you build the trust that you can help your clients go from where they are to where they want to be? And how do you stop selling your time and charge the true value of your services?

The answer lies in creating what I call your Client Journey.

Your Client Journey is the steps you take with your clients and the results you help them achieve at each step.

Because when your potential clients can clearly see their path to success, it gives them more confidence that you can help them get the results they want.

Bonus tip: In addition to creating your Client Journey, you also need to streamline it and communicate it effectively, so it's simple, clear and powerful!

Make it visual!

To make your Client Journey even more tangible, you can even create an infographic.

For instance, here's a Client Journey from one of my clients, Pallavi Ridout:

Pallavi's Client Journey

Pallavi could have said, "I help people lead a life of no regrets. We'll have 12 sessions over the next few months. How does that sound to you?"

Instead, we designed a Client Journey so she could show her clients a clear step-by-step success path to help them lead that life of no regrets.

And once we created her Client Journey, Pallavi not only doubled the price of her private coaching program, she was able to launch a group coaching program too!

And here's another example - my Client Journey:

Cindy Schulson Client Journey

I use the same Client Journey in my private coaching and in group coaching, so I can help more people and grow my business with greater ease.

How your Client Journey translates into revenue

Your Client Journey allows you to earn a lot more income because you're honouring your value, and getting paid for results instead of your time.

And like Pallavi, many of my clients have raised—even doubled—their prices when they went from selling their time to selling their Client Journey.

You can even turn your Client Journey into leveraged income! How? Package it in different ways, at different price points and with different levels of access to you. That's the key to working smart and earning multiple streams of income without having to reinvent the wheel.

Here's an example, to give you an idea of what is possible:

  • Online course: $297
  • Group coaching program (online course plus Facebook Group and weekly group coaching calls): $1,500
  • Private coaching (online course plus private coaching calls three times a month): $3,000

Bonus tip: Don't just use your Client Journey in your sales conversations—use it in your marketing too. When you do that well, your marketing will do the heavy lifting for you. And the result is that people show up to your strategy sessions already excited about working with you!


So, the next time you do a strategy session, rather than sell your time, sell your Client Journey. You'll find it much easier to share your offer, get clients and charge the true value of your services.

Want to learn more? Get Free Training with Cindy Schulson:

Click here >> to get this free training: How to Create a High Value Coaching Package that Sells Itself.



Cindy Schulson Headshot 2021

Contributing Author:

Cindy Schulson is the Founder of Marketing from Within. She shows coaches how to stand out online and enroll more clients by Marketing with Heart vs. Hype. Cindy brings a decade of marketing experience working for such companies as Coca-Cola and Visa, combined with a decade of online marketing to create a paradigm shift in how marketing can be done with integrity and heart. Get Cindy's Free Brand Message Template or Free Signature Program Training at

Learn more about Cindy & see all their articles here >>

Image of Client's Hand Saying Yes with Wooden Cubes by 8photo via freepik


  1. Leslie

    Goodness! I have been trying to figure this out on my own but this was really clear and the graphics were extremely helpful. Thanks for sharing this gift of clarity!

  2. claire pemberton

    Fantastic and really appeals to how I want to come across with clients


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